A Way of Being: Psychotherapy and Consulting

We truly aim to see and be seen by those we serve.
Only when we authentically allow ourselves to be seen are we able to accept ourselves and others.
“Human connections create the neural connections from which the mind emerges” Dr. Dan Siegel

Services: Individual, Relationship, Family, and Clinical Supervision

Individual Therapy
Couples Therapy
Clinical Supervision

What to expect?​



Start to connect with your true self as you move toward authenticity.


Presence and Awareness

Fully experience your emotions and physical sensations in the present moment.


Accept and Love Yourself

Be intentional in accepting, respecting, and loving all parts of yourself with awareness and compassion.

Essential understanding for the therapeutic process

Authenticity versus Attachment

There is no painless inauthenticity

We all experience this struggle between authenticity and attachment. We suppress our authenticity to avoid the pain of not being loved. By suppressing authenticity, we create suffering for ourselves. We get into situations, life, and relationships which are not authentic for the sake of attachment. It is inevitable if a person moves towards authenticity, it is going to create the pain of losing an attachment. If you can't handle that pain, you will continue to suppress authenticity and create more suffering.
You will know the truth and the truth will liberate you

Bring yourself in relationship with your feelings

You can create an in the present self that will recognize emotion as something that arises within you but isn't you. You can learn to trust your gut feelings (intuitions), and experience your emotions in the present moment without making it mean anything about you.
The way out is through

Vulnerability is our capacity to be wounded

Closing of the heart is protection against the experience of vulnerability when it was too much to bear. Vulnerability is important if we value our own humanity. Without vulnerabiilty, there is no growth. Don't shut off your pain. Accept your pain and remain vulnerable.

Jessica Donaldson

Psychotherapist, LCSW

I see you and I accept you.

I practice out of psychodynamic theory, attachment, and interpersonal neurobiology approaches. I believe trauma happens in relationship and heals in relationship.


More about Me

Shane Donaldson

Psychotherapist, LCSW

“I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become.”
– Carl Jung


More about Me

How to do it…

The essential component for healthy childhood development is nurturing, non-stressed, non-depressed, attuned caregivers. – DW Winnicot

  • When a feeling comes up, it is always about the past.
  • Attune to the feeling - stay with it patiently.
  • When we see ourselves accurately and lovingly, we say, "Too bad" if others don't. And we do it without any pain.
  • The most important thing we can do is to look at and understand ourselves.
  • Ego is the "I" that runs our lives consciously and unconsciously.
  • Trauma causes a disconnection from the self, your value, your feelings, your body, other people, and the world.

Your perception = Your experience